Meaning of ghoomane valee tej roshanee,ghumane valee tej roshanee,ghoomane vali tej roshani in english

Interpreting ghoomane valee tej roshanee,ghumane valee tej roshanee,ghoomane vali tej roshani - घूमने वाली तेज़ रोशनी
As noun : spotlight Ex:  On the has long held the spotlight
spot Ex:  Apple released a 30 second TV spot featuring Dylan
Suggested : a rounded mark or stain made by foreign matter, as mud, blood, paint, ink, etc a blot or speck a strong, focused light thrown upon a particular spot , as on a small area of a stage or in a television studio, for making some object , person, or group especially conspicuous
Exampleघूमने वाली तेज़ रोशनी का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
ghoomane valee tej roshanee,ghumane valee tej roshanee,ghoomane vali tej roshani can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 21 including consonants matras. Transliteration : ghuumane vaalii teja roshanii

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