Meaning of ghumana in english
Interpreting ghumana - घुमाना
As noun : brandish
gyrate wheel Ex:  With Cassady at the wheel of a school bus named Furthur pan Ex:  Cook in a pan with butter, lard or oil curve Ex:  A T. rex growth curve is S-shaped throw Ex:  I would throw myself into space pass Ex:  The A1, A3 and A4 motorways pass close to Zürich. swill troll shake Ex:  It means figuratively Making more assured, more difficult to shake work Ex:  This work has been finely done. wave Ex:  The tides are a general wave that moves from south to north. swivel face Ex:  You're always feeding your face .
As verb : slew Ex:  Its success led to a slew of other X-rated animated films turn Ex:  By the turn of the century twirl rotate Ex:  While large-scale storms always rotate cyclonically due to the Coriolis effect spin Ex:  A golf ball acquires spin when it is hit. roll Ex:  The House reserves roll call votes for the most formal matters
Other : to turn round to whirl round to cause to go round or about to take round to take out or to exercise (an animal to circulate Ex:  The vehicles difficult to circulate in the streets of Paris to beguile to revolve to cause to revolve to roll Ex:  A player may have to roll dice for combat to brandish to send round to lead astray to whisk away: to pinch to show round to swirl round to spin Ex:  The rotation of the Earth causes the system to spin to turn Ex:  Adams also began attempts to turn the first Hitchhiker's novel into a movie to brandish (as a sword to give a twist wind Ex:  The wind denuded the trees of their leaves . whirl
Suggested : to cause to rotate rapidly spin revolve whirl to cause to move around on an axis or about a center rotate a circular frame or disk arranged to revolve on an axis, as on or in vehicles or machinery to move in a circle or spiral, or around a fixed point whirl to kill by violence
Word of the day
Related words :
As verb : घुमाना या फिराना या भाँजना या लपलपाना - brandish
Other : घुमानाफिरानाभाँजनालपलपाना -
can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi originated from Hindi language .
Transliteration :