Meaning of ghumav in english

Interpreting ghumav - घुमाव
As noun : convolution उ:   अमूमन ४ से अधिक घुमाव नहीं पाये जाते हैं।
winding Ex:  The winding ivy around a tree, a foliage around a column उ:   इस घुमाव के अंदर जाल्हूपुर परगना है। meander उ:   ये घुमाव और मोड़ों से भरी गलियां किसी के लिये संभ्रम करने वाली हैं। spin Ex:  This is called a spin glass, and is an example of geometrical frustration. उ:   रेडियेटरों से आपूर्त तेल ठंडा होने की वजह से घुमाव को ठंडा करता है। twirl उ:   द्वितीयक धारा का परिमाण ट्रांसफार्मर के घुमाव अनुपात पर निर्भर है। sweep Ex:  As new ideals and practices began to sweep Spira उ:   वर्तमान ट्रांसफार्मर घुमाव के विपरीत सिरों के आसपास रखा जाता है। wind Ex:  Face the sail into the wind . turn Ex:  This in turn was taken from the Latin tonare, meaning "to thunder". twist curve Ex:  As each curve reaches the back fin, backward force is created. whirl bend Ex:  A place where a street, road, river makes a bend
Other : turning around Ex:  They had been considering turning around turn (as of a road trick Ex:  , Having more than one trick up his sleeve, being full of skill, cunning turning over (of ground in ploughing river Ex:  Crayfish are found in the river and lakes. complication snare turning Ex:  The battle has often been called "the turning point of the Pacific". curvature Ex:  In terms of geometry, it means Finding a square equivalent to a surface terminated by lines of any curvature curved Ex:  Characteristic features of parrots include a strong curved bill volume Ex:  Due to its large surface area and high volume of contained hydrogen gas volt Ex:  Check the volt
Suggested : to cause to rotate rapidly spin revolve whirl to make (yarn) by drawing out, twisting, and winding fibers to proceed by or take a winding or indirect course the act of a person or thing that winds a rolled up or coiled condition
Exampleघुमाव का हिन्दी मे अर्थAntonyms of ghumav

Word of the day
ghumav can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender composed of suffix at the end of the word originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : ghumaava

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