Meaning of ghumav in english
Interpreting ghumav - घुमाव
As noun : convolution उ: अमूमन ४ से अधिक घुमाव नहीं पाये जाते हैं।
winding Ex: The winding ivy around a tree, a foliage around a column उ: इस घुमाव के अंदर जाल्हूपुर परगना है। meander उ: ये घुमाव और मोड़ों से भरी गलियां किसी के लिये संभ्रम करने वाली हैं। spin Ex: This is called a spin glass, and is an example of geometrical frustration. उ: रेडियेटरों से आपूर्त तेल ठंडा होने की वजह से घुमाव को ठंडा करता है। twirl उ: द्वितीयक धारा का परिमाण ट्रांसफार्मर के घुमाव अनुपात पर निर्भर है। sweep Ex: As new ideals and practices began to sweep Spira उ: वर्तमान ट्रांसफार्मर घुमाव के विपरीत सिरों के आसपास रखा जाता है। wind Ex: Face the sail into the wind . turn Ex: This in turn was taken from the Latin tonare, meaning "to thunder". twist curve Ex: As each curve reaches the back fin, backward force is created. whirl bend Ex: A place where a street, road, river makes a bend
Other : turning around Ex: They had been considering turning around turn (as of a road trick Ex: , Having more than one trick up his sleeve, being full of skill, cunning turning over (of ground in ploughing river Ex: Crayfish are found in the river and lakes. complication snare turning Ex: The battle has often been called "the turning point of the Pacific". curvature Ex: In terms of geometry, it means Finding a square equivalent to a surface terminated by lines of any curvature curved Ex: Characteristic features of parrots include a strong curved bill volume Ex: Due to its large surface area and high volume of contained hydrogen gas volt Ex: Check the volt
Suggested : to cause to rotate rapidly spin revolve whirl to make (yarn) by drawing out, twisting, and winding fibers to proceed by or take a winding or indirect course the act of a person or thing that winds a rolled up or coiled condition
Exampleघुमाव का हिन्दी मे अर्थAntonyms of ghumav
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Related words :
As noun : घुमाव फिरावके साथ - round घुमावदार मार्ग से हो कर आगे बढ़ना - thread घुमावदार रास्ता - meanderings घुमावदार रास्ते पर स्की दौड़ - slalom घुमावदार रास्ते से हो कर चलना - crank घुमावदार वक्त - loop घुमावदार वक्र - loop
As verb : घुमावदार मार्ग से बहना - meander घुमावदार रास्ते पर चलना{नदी का} - meander
As adjective : घुमाव फेराव का - devious घुमावदार - tortuous
As adverb : घुमावदार ढंग से - sinuously
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender composed of suffix at the end of the word originated from Hindi language .
Transliteration :