Meaning of hathee dant,hathi dant in english
Interpreting hathee dant,hathi dant - हाथी दांत
As noun :
ivory Ex:  It has two Christs in his gallery ivory
Suggested : the hard white substance, a variety of dentin, composing the main part of the tusks of the elephant, walrus, etc
Word of the day
Related words :
As noun : हाथी दाँत का - ivory हाथी दांत की बनी वस्तु - ivory
As adjective : हाथी दांत का - ivory
Other : हाथी दांत का बना हुआ - eburnean हाथी दांत के तुल्य - eburnine
hathee dant,hathi dant
can be used as noun.. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :
haathii daa.nta