Meaning of hi in english

Interpreting hi - हीअ
Other : solely Ex:  Moreover, the government is responsible solely to the House of Commons उ:   ये ही सूत्र चारों ओर गुँजित थे।
only Ex:  Desensitization is currently the only known "cure" to the disease. उ:   ऐसे ही लिखते रहो और माँ का नाम रौशन करो । alone Ex:  Doom II alone has earned over $100 million in total sales. उ:   पास ही तो है । none but उ:   “ऐसे ही मन लगाकर काम करो , खूब तरक्की करोगे । provided Ex:  Opera is provided by West Australian Opera. उ:   इन धब्बों को ही नीहारिका कहते हैं। perfect Ex:  A statue of perfect beauty उ:   धर्मानुकूल ही सोचो और करो ।
Exampleहीअ का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of hi

Word of the day
hi No of characters: 3 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from modification of Sanskrit language by locals . Transliteration : hiia

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