Meaning of (हरचंद) harachnda in english

As noun : very Ex:  As a result, very few sites are excavated in their entirety.
extreme Ex:  Falling in extreme poverty generous rattling all Ex:  Cornell enrolls students from all 50 U.S. states and more than 120 countries. terribly bad Ex:  He spends his bad about plenty quite a few score Ex:  , Potpourri, Music track, with a choice of tunes borrowed from the same score a hell of a a fat lot awfully damn well Ex:  As well as these features dead number Ex:  A number of other notable economists pile a good deal a good deal of more Ex:  Pianos with shorter, thicker, and stiffer strings have more inharmonicity. a great deal a helluva great Ex:  Clearly detecting an Earth type civilization at great distances is difficult. packet way Ex:  In the typical way of all euphausiaceans dozens Ex:  Messor , Convector , Conditor , Insitor , and dozens more. while Ex:  Eaux-Vives and Champel while the Right Bank includes Saint-Jean / Charmilles inasmuch as when Ex:  The Fenians won the Battle of Ridgeway when troops
As verb : dirty Ex:  , PIG, SLUT This means, that which is filthy, dirty
As adjective : enormous several Ex:  Flores, and Rinca and on several islands of the Lesser Sunda archipelago. considerable Ex:  Within a year, he was in considerable demand throughout Europe and Russia. abundant Ex:  Country abundant in all kinds of goods big Ex:  It is sometimes said, jokingly, of a Child big and strong exquisite much Ex:  For much of Jane's life multiple Ex:  According to multiple witnesses most Ex:  Several of those which are most often debated by scholars are discussed below.
As adverb : too Ex:  2005. It too broke all sales records far Ex:  London was by far the largest city in Britain mighty pretty
Other : although Ex:  So, Perceval, although unfinished, was particularly popular albeit though Ex:  So, Perceval, although unfinished, was particularly popular howbeit however much
Suggested : of a character or kind farthest removed from the ordinary or average in a high degree extremely exceedingly at or to a great distance a long way off at or to a remote point in addition also furthermore moreover greatly exceeding the common size, extent, etc huge immense
Exampleहरचंद का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of हरचंद:
1. इस अवसर पर हरचंद सिंह धीर, अश्वनी कुमार शर्मा टीटी वार्ड अध्यक्ष, इंदरजीत शर्मा, अमृतपाल सिंह कलसी, मेहर सिंह गिल युवा नेता, यशपाल शर्मा वार्ड अध्यक्ष, रेशम सिंह सग्गू, हरजीत सिंह दहेले, सुरिंदर सिंह चेत नगर, महिंद्रपाल सिंगला, रजिंदर चोपड़ा, सुच्चा सिंह लालका, काबल सिंह, रंजीत सिंह मौजूद थे bhaskar.com2. कांग्रेस से पहुंचे ये नेता: धरना चल रहा था तो कांग्रेस में विपक्ष के नेता विधायक चरणजीत सिंह चन्नी, सुनील जाखड़, मोहम्मद सदीक, बीबी हरचंद कौर घनौरी अपने साथियों के साथ पहुंच गए
(हरचंद) harachnda can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. Transliteration : harach.nda

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