Meaning of (हस) hasa in english
As noun : smile
laughter Ex: Stand sides with laughter, with laughter laugh Ex: It has the laugh on his side exuberance jubilation hilarity jocundity bounce exhilaration exultation delight contempt Ex: He joins yet in terms of contempt and insult, as if to increase the force taunting humiliation twit taunt ridicule Ex: Paying open to criticism, ridicule derision mockery Ex: It's a cold mockery jeer scoff stultification scoffing jeering
Suggested : a feeling of or the expression of joy or exultation Also, exuberancy the state of being exuberant to express mirth, pleasure, derision, or nervousness with an audible, vocal expulsion of air from the lungs that can range from a loud burst of sound to a series of quiet chuckles and is usually accompanied by characteristic facial and bodily movements the action or sound of laughing to assume a facial expression indicating pleasure, favor, or amusement, but sometimes derision or scorn, characterized by an upturning of the corners of the mouth
Exampleहस का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
Usage of हस:
1. पहले ने समझाया- अरे यार ते जानत हस न पिछले साल सरकार हर केहे रिहीस तुंहर गांव हर अब शहर में शामिल होगेहे bhaskar.com2. दूसरा पूछता है- में समझेव नहीं ते काय कहना चाहत हस bhaskar.com3. दूसरे ने जिज्ञासावश देखते हुए कहा- काबर पूछत हस
(हस) hasa
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 2 including consonants. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :