Meaning of (हस्तहार्य) hastaharya in english

As noun : explain Ex:  I will explain the thing in two words
noticeable bold Ex:  , said of a author who has a bold style that often uses bold expressions; or an author who writes freely on sensitive materials graphic manifest unmistakeable glaring apparent Ex:  The apparent magnitudes of most of the known asteroids are 11–19 disclosed express Ex:  I can not find words strong enough to express my gratitude
As adjective : explicit Ex:  Want a fuller, more complete, more frank, more explicit confession? Confession, Confession or absolutely, Declaration exhibition made of mouth or in writing, of the faith that we profess lucid unambiguous prominent Ex:  Costa Rica's Movimiento Libertario is a prominent vivid candid categorical emphatic obvious Ex:  The most obvious feature of Ankylosaurus is its armor observable Ex:  This star is rarely observable, is observable only at certain times of the year marked Ex:  The Eastern Scottish coast is similar, though less marked than Norway. trenchant pointed Ex:  Its teeth were of two types: small pointed premaxillary teeth craggy crystal clear unequivocal unmistakable Ex:  The effect of his words is unmistakable transparent Ex:  The most transparent air always contains water vapor well marked Ex:  Des well marked dice distinct Ex:  While these buildings once housed distinct collections evident
Suggested : uttered clearly in distinct syllables easily understood completely intelligible or comprehensible fully and clearly expressed or demonstrated leaving nothing merely implied unequivocal having a voice of a specified kind (usually used in combination) to make plain or clear render understandable or intelligible
Exampleहस्तहार्य का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(हस्तहार्य) hastaharya can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : hastahaarya

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