Meaning of (ह्वा) hva in english
As noun : designation Ex:  Prices, attached to the designation of reward, also said the person, the book that won this award उ: इस काल का दूसरा प्रसिद्ध उपन्यास छिंग ह्वा य्वान् है।
name Ex:  The name Managua originates from Mana-ahuac noun Ex:  He said as masculine plural noun for Men stock label Ex:  Breaking of a label denomination title Ex:  Texas and retained her title in Key Biscayne fame handle Ex:  The handle of a leg, the part where it takes to cut the first name Ex:  Louis first name reputation Ex:  Demolishing a reputation christian name renown character Ex:  His character has finally found young girl Ex:  It is a small rouée is said of a woman, of a young girl Foxy, to which one can rely sheila river Ex:  After leaving Lake Albert, the river is known as the Albert Nile. river Ex:  After leaving Lake Albert, the river is known as the Albert Nile. stream
Suggested : a religious group, usually including many local churches, often larger than a sect a slip of paper, cloth, or other material, marked or inscribed, for attachment to something to indicate its manufacturer, nature , ownership, destination, etc a supply of goods kept on hand for sale to customers by a merchant, distributor, manufacturer, etc inventory a word or a combination of words by which a person, place, or thing, a body or class, or any object of thought is designated, called, or known an act of designating
Exampleह्वा का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(ह्वा) hva
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :