आढ़ा - adha meaning in hindi

Suggested :
अठकौसल | advice |
He followed this advice and became a drill instructor in his own Kineshma uezd. | |
छेमा | forgiveness |
The plots are resolved with Christian forgiveness and repentance. | |
निरूपद्रवी | still |
He argues that, in this scenario, one would still have self-consciousness. | |
पनकौवा | special |
Freed brought the music to special programs on several local stations | |
मन में | within |
Certain models used by economists within economics have been criticized |
अक्षरों की संख्या: 3 स्वर मात्रासहित ।
Transliterate in english :
Related spellings : aadha,adha
Related spellings : aadha,adha
Word of the day