बेआवाज़ - beavaj meaning in hindi
अँग्रेज़ी अर्थ
Suggested :
छावन | niche |
Taarab which was traditionally strong in Zanzibar has also found a niche | |
जटि | host |
Prior to 1973, all music was required to be played by the host orchestra. | |
आवरण | case |
The number in parentheses is the year in which the case was decided. | |
टूट | breach |
This action was deemed a breach of the privilege of the House | |
कुरहम | crime |
Compounding the problem of crime is impunity. |
अक्षरों की संख्या: 7 स्वर व्यंजन मात्रासहित ।
Transliterate in english :
Related spellings : beaavaaj,beavaj
Related spellings : beaavaaj,beavaj
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