मितपान - mitapan meaning in hindi

Suggested :
निस्सन्देह | inevitably |
Tourism is inevitably one of Rome's chief industries | |
दाँतेदार पर्वतमाला | sierra |
The sierra is the region of the Andes | |
बिबाह | wedding |
In 1981, the Prince and Princess celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. | |
उद्गगूर्ण | heated |
Then oils are heated and liquify if they are solid at room temperature. | |
आन्दोलन करना | campaign |
Tutu launched a global campaign |
अक्षरों की संख्या: 6 व्यंजन मात्रासहित ।
Transliterate in english :
Related spellings : mitapaan,mitapan
Related spellings : mitapaan,mitapan
Word of the day