पंक्‍तिबद्ध - pank‍tibaddh meaning in hindi

अँग्रेज़ी अर्थ उदाहरण
Suggested :
आँस sympathy
He also had sympathy for female suffrage and for labor co-operatives.
कपड़ा fabric
Pica is a condition in which animals chew or eat unusual things such as fabric
नहर canal
The canal currently crosses the Genesee River at the Genesee Valley Park .
इदराक cognition
Cognitive psychology studies cognition
बात object
Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt
pank‍tibaddh अक्षरों की संख्या: 11 व्यंजन मात्रासहित । Transliterate in english : pa.nk‍tibaddha
Related spellings : pank‍tibaddh

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