प्रबन्धन - prabandhan meaning in hindi

Suggested :
पृष्ठपाती | regulatory |
FoxP3 are a specific marker of regulatory T cells. | |
चंदा या अंशदान | subscription |
Most subscription services are also funded by advertising. | |
अभिषवण | bathing |
While bathing the child ploped the water. | |
बिसबास | loyalty |
He reaffirmed his loyalty to his boss. | |
दायजा | dowry |
Its an anti dowry campaign.? |
अक्षरों की संख्या: 8 व्यंजन मात्रासहित ।
Transliterate in english :
Related spellings : prabandhan
Related spellings : prabandhan
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