संपती - sanpati meaning in hindi

Suggested :
कष्टि | suffering |
After extended suffering | |
उरुव्या | elaboration |
Joseph Camp, and Nuel Belnap as an elaboration of Ramsey's claims. | |
अठान० | dispute |
Such dispute as there was concerned not whether Ilsa would leave with Laszlo | |
अकड़ तकड़ | speed |
High speed in processing information . | |
उपमार्ग | side street |
The side street is the location of the Chartered Accountants' Hall |
अक्षरों की संख्या: 5 व्यंजन मात्रासहित ।
Transliterate in english :
Related spellings : sanpatee,sanpati
Related spellings : sanpatee,sanpati
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