Meaning of is karan se in english
Interpreting is karan se - इस कारण से
As adverb : hence Ex:  " hence these schools are called "non-dualist".
Other :
consequently Ex:  DES consequently came under intense academic scrutiny accordingly Ex:  Homes in our town are reappraised every five years and taxes are increased accordingly therefore Ex:  The hull must therefore be constructed with very high precision. hereby Ex:  at table! is colloquially hereby invited to sit at the table since Ex:  raja is canophile since childhood. because Ex:  No one likes her because she shows her sass to everyone. consequence Ex:  As a consequence of increased human contact with host and vector as Ex:  Jatin treated as a pariah.
Suggested : for the reason that due to the fact that from then till now (often preceded by ever ) by this, or the present, declaration, action, document, etc by means of this as a result of this therefore so in due course as an inference from this fact for this reason therefore
Word of the day
Usage of इस कारण से:
1. अलर्टः इस कारण से लटक सकती है लाखों पेंशनरों की पेंशनlivehindustan.com2. रतन टाटा पर इस कारण से 200 डॉलर का जुर्माना... bhaskar.com3. शनिवार की दोपहर को वेल्डिंग मशीन की तार में शॉट सर्किट हो गया और इस कारण से चिंगारियां निकलने लगीं और आग लग गई bhaskar.comRelated words :Other : इस कारण से कि - whereas
is karan se
can be used as verb or adverb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including vowels consonants matras.
Transliteration :
isa kaaraNa se