Meaning of itihas sa‌nba‌ndhee,itihas sa‌nba‌ndhi in english

Interpreting itihas sa‌nba‌ndhee,itihas sa‌nba‌ndhi - इतिहास स‌ंब‌ंधी
As adjective :
historical Ex:  the historical context
Suggested : of, pertaining to, treating, or characteristic of history or past events
Exampleइतिहास स‌ंब‌ंधी का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of itihas sa‌nba‌ndhee,itihas sa‌nba‌ndhi

Word of the day
itihas sa‌nba‌ndhee,itihas sa‌nba‌ndhi can be used as adjective.. No of characters: 15 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : itihaasa sa‌.nba‌.ndhii

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