Meaning of (इकताना) ikatana in english

As noun : monotone Ex:  A monotone speech ordinarily asleep listeners
symmetrical Ex:  The gills are symmetrical and both well developed. twin Ex:  The twin engined aircraft is taking off. unvarying like Ex:  I like your dress. static Ex:  Do you point road, direction, static shot steady Ex:  Without a steady flow of supplies intent Ex:  The intent of the ballot constant Ex:  To secure constant prices for inhabitants still Ex:  Rama brings up still more good ideas. motionless ground Ex:  The quagmire in the ground stopped their work. rest Ex:  He hunkered down to take a rest . dead Ex:  No one knows why Uncle Bob suddenly dropped dead . unchanging four square at rest Ex:  Similarly, suppose we have a measuring rod at rest in the unprimed system. settled Ex:  The lawsuit was settled April 15
As verb : fixed Ex:  A mullion was fixed on the window of the palace.
As adjective : symmetric Ex:  The layers are symmetric even Ex:  He catered into the tht deceptively without even beying the ticket. consistent Ex:  Their accounts were not consistent with the evidence given at Sheppard's trial undifferentiated Ex:  In the sexually undifferentiated embryo stable Ex:  Antiparticles and some stable antimatter can be made in tiny amounts stationary Ex:  A recently-stopped stationary tank has a considerable heat signature. steadfast pacific firm Ex:  the plant needs a firm anchorage stagnent immobile definitive Ex:  The oldest definitive insect fossil is the Devonian Rhyniognatha hirsti quiet Ex:  I wish that John would keep quiet . unmoved equable untrembling sure Ex:  Gary sure likes to toot his own horn . unique Ex:  Every writer has his or her own unique style, or voice .
As adverb : stock still
Suggested : agreeing or accordant compatible not self-contradictory level flat without surface irregularities smooth characterized by or exhibiting symmetry well-proportioned, as a body or whole regular in form or arrangement of corresponding parts characterized by or exhibiting symmetry well-proportioned, as a body or whole regular in form or arrangement of corresponding parts a vocal utterance or series of speech sounds in one unvaried tone
Exampleइकताना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(इकताना) ikatana can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi composed of more than one word originated from Sanskrit and/or Hindi language . Transliteration : ikataanaa

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