Meaning of (इकसारपु) ikasarapu in english

As noun : symmetrical Ex:  These symmetrical temple-like houses often have equally symmetrical but low
twin Ex:  Try not to mix Bill up with Bob, his twin . unvarying like Ex:  He behaves like a lout. same Ex:  they are on the same wavelength even Ex:  Stellar constellations are visible even through a small telescope. parallel Ex:  There are several backends available for CUPS: parallel common Ex:  Flying doctors are more common in countries which are sparsely populated. coterie Ex:  Language, opinion coterie undisputed Ex:  It remains undisputed that equivalent Ex:  The cold-blooded equivalent tantamount uniform Ex:  I can just picture Tony in that baseball uniform . flat Ex:  All my dreams had fallen flat regular Ex:  While the regular Indian army in 1939 included about 220,000 native troops match Ex:  He would play a foodball match against his formar champions.
As verb : quits Ex:  Once created, an atom survives until the server quits or resets .
As adjective : symmetric Ex:  The tensors Gab and Tab are both rank-2 symmetric tensors even Ex:  Stellar constellations are visible even through a small telescope. consistent Ex:  Although the leavening action is not always consistent undifferentiated Ex:  Animals are said to have undifferentiated akin Ex:  A Russian hydronym "" is akin to the Slavic word for "wetness", "humidity" . equal Ex:  Three plus two is equal to five. similar Ex:  Although a similar population increase occurred in Europe at the same time fifty fifty close Ex:  If you get close to the fire, you may get burned . even Ex:  Stellar constellations are visible even through a small telescope. smooth Ex:  All invariants of a smooth closed manifold are thus global.
As adverb : together Ex:  Blend the nuts and raising together
Other : equi
Suggested : either of two children or animals brought forth at a birth agreeing or accordant compatible not self-contradictory level flat without surface irregularities smooth characterized by or exhibiting symmetry well-proportioned, as a body or whole regular in form or arrangement of corresponding parts characterized by or exhibiting symmetry well-proportioned, as a body or whole regular in form or arrangement of corresponding parts
Exampleइकसारपु का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(इकसारपु) ikasarapu can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi composed of more than one word originated from Sanskrit and/or Hindi language . Transliteration : ikasaarapu

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