Meaning of (इधक) idhaka in english

As noun : super Ex:  WBC and Ring Magazine super middleweight titles.
high Ex:  The shopkeeper rooked us by charging high prices for every item. large Ex:  Nuclear reaction produces large amount of heat. low Ex:  He has a low sperm count. full Ex:  the ships bunkers were full of coal heavy Ex:  He belched after having a heavy meal. still Ex:  Though we have reached September ,it s still very hot. more Ex:  Travelling by train is more economical. over Ex:  My friend crept up and peeked over the window. greater Ex:  my broker recommended a greater diversification of my investments much Ex:  How much work-load have you got?
As verb : long Ex:  Give a long leverage. further Ex:  Nothing further was shown until a playable demonstration was ready
As adjective : excessive Ex:  The 1966 tournament was remembered for its excessive physical play more than Ex:  the job will take more than an hour exuberant extra Ex:  I put the extra copy of the book on your desk .
As adverb : rather Ex:  she sang rather shrilly too Ex:  The hat is too small for me. farther Ex:  There is evidence that they progressed even farther west. bitterly Ex:  The Xhosa bitterly resented their loss of independence
Suggested : Informal
a superintendent, especially of an apartment house having considerable linear extent in space at or to a greater distance in addition also furthermore moreover in a measure to a certain extent somewhat
Exampleइधक का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(इधक) idhaka can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 3 including vowels consonants. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from modification of Sanskrit language by locals . Transliteration : idhaka

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