Meaning of janchana in english

Interpreting janchana - जाँचना
As noun : vet
verify Ex:  Please verify that the doors are closed scrutinise test Ex:  The test was terrible! I'm sure I wiped out . correction Ex:  Review system is important for correction of errors. try Ex:  We never try to keep up with the Joneses . feel Ex:  I feel so dragged out . prove Ex:  You'll have to prove it to me . shop around
As verb : scrutinize Ex:  Other committees scrutinize various Government agencies and ministries. check Ex:  The check should be for fifty dollars . inspect Ex:  He was sent in a F-104 to inspect Delamar Lake, again for emergency landings. screen Ex:  However, most states and countries do not screen for CF routinely at birth.
Other : to analyse Ex:  Qualitative methods are also used to analyse information in a variety of media to examine Ex:  Also used RECOGNITION of Action to examine in detail and carefully certain objects to ascertain the species, number, etc to interrogate to appraise to verify Ex:  While it is extremely difficult to verify this statement to investigate Ex:  The vessel went to investigate the smoke. to enquire into to test Ex:  Although it is possible to test for HPV DNA in men to evalute to research Ex:  Canadian Harold Harvey was among the first to research a "dead" lake. to evaluate Ex:  Action to evaluate sift overhaul
Suggested : to look carefully at or over view closely and critically to prove the truth of, as by evidence or testimony confirm substantiate veterinarian to stop or arrest the motion of suddenly or forcibly to examine in detail with careful or critical attention
Exampleजाँचना का हिन्दी मे अर्थAntonyms of janchana

Word of the day
janchana can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : jaa.Nchanaa

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