Meaning of jakh‍m in english

Interpreting jakh‍m - जख्‍म
Other :
wound Ex:  A bloody wound
Suggested : an injury, usually involving division of tissue or rupture of the integument or mucous membrane, due to external violence or some mechanical agency rather than disease
Exampleजख्‍म का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of jakh‍m

Word of the day
Usage of जख्‍म:
1. उत्‍तराखंड में लगातार हो रही बारिश तो थम गई है, लेकिन बारिश अपने पीछे गहरे जख्‍म छोड़ गई है
jakh‍m . No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. Transliteration : jakh‍ma

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