Meaning of jalata hua in english

Interpreting jalata hua - जलता हुआ
As noun : blazing
on fire Ex:  Already damaged by a torpedo and on fire forward
As verb : live Ex:  We can hardly live on $500 a week . alight
As adjective : ablaze burning Ex:  About 98% of Ireland's final energy demand is produced by burning coal
Suggested : a state, process, or instance of combustion in which fuel or other material is ignited and combined with oxygen, giving off light, heat, and flame to have life , as an organism be alive be capable of vital functions aflame on fire burning on fire burning brightly and with great heat, force , etc
Exampleजलता हुआ का हिन्दी मे अर्थAntonyms of jalata hua

Word of the day
Usage of जलता हुआ:
1. थाना क्षेत्र के गांव कुकरझुन्डी मे सोमवार की सुबह पुआल के ढेर मे ज्ञात युवती को जलता हुआ शव मिलने से सनसनी फैल गईlivehindustan.com2. विमान में आग लग गई और जलता हुआ महावीर नगर के दो मकानों के ऊपर... bhaskar.com3. जलता हुआ Fighter प्लेन घर की किचन में घुसा, 7 चमत्कारों से बची सबकी जान bhaskar.comRelated words :
jalata hua can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : jalataa huaa

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