Meaning of jugupsa in english

Interpreting jugupsa - जुगुप्सा
As noun : repulsiveness उ:   इसके परिणामस्वरूप घृणा, जुगुप्सा उत्पन्न होती है।
loathsomeness उ:   इसी प्रकार जुगुप्सा में जो विकर्षण है वह शांत में नहीं रहता। odium repulsion detestation Ex:  The detestation of sin abomination Ex:  The abomination of desolation lousiness abhorrence wickedness sliminess execration Ex:  His memory is honored in execration vileness disgust Ex:  It took him a disgust for this kind of study loathing nausea Ex:  Who causes nausea
Other : repugnance Ex:  It means often inspire repugnance for any food
Suggested : anything abominable anything greatly disliked or abhorred abhorrence hatred the act of repulsing or the state of being repulsed intense hatred or dislike, especially toward a person or thing regarded as contemptible, despicable, or repugnant causing repugnance or aversion
Exampleजुगुप्सा का हिन्दी मे अर्थAntonyms of jugupsa

Word of the day
jugupsa can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : jugupsaa

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