Meaning of (जग्धि) jagdhi in english

As noun : cuisine Ex:  Local cuisine also shows influences from the same region.
meal Ex:  Common forms of soy include soy meal dinner Ex:  Liz asked Carl out for dinner . meat Ex:  Bears have been hunted since prehistoric times for their meat and fur. ration Ex:  ration of bread, meat, vegetables dish Ex:  This dish is a common tradition at family and other gatherings at the beach food Ex:  The refrigerator needed defrosting.
The frozen food should not be allowd to defrost completely.
fare Ex:  The fare cheer take out Ex:  To enter, take out someone a feed Ex:  Saint Augustine on the need to feed people before attempting to convert them eats Ex:  A piece eats diet Ex:  The dragon's diet is wide-ranging mess Ex:  It is gallantly shot of this mess
As verb : eat Ex:  Bears have been hunted since prehistoric times for their meat and fur.
Suggested : a fixed allowance of provisions or food, especially for soldiers or sailors or for civilians during a shortage the flesh of animals as used for food the main meal of the day, eaten in the evening or at midday the food served and eaten especially at one of the customary, regular occasions for taking food during the day, as breakfast, lunch, or supper a style or quality of cooking cookery
Exampleजग्धि का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(जग्धि) jagdhi can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : jagdhi

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