Meaning of (जम्मना) jammana in english

As noun : stem Ex:  The brain stem or myelencephalon is the most posterior part of the brain.
go Ex:  Shall we go to the party? put forth Ex:  Other theories have been put forth produce Ex:  The larger English regions also produce drama productions of their own proceed from born Ex:  Warren was married to a young widow born in Sweden named Nina Palmquist Meyers.
As verb : originate Ex:  Revenue-raising bills must originate in the House of Representatives arise Ex:  Most mystical paths arise in the context of some particular religion derive Ex:  The work's origins derive from this professional collaboration. inspire Ex:  As a means to inspire his new group spring up put out Ex:  The cabaleurs were put out of the room engender crop up
Suggested : to move or place (anything) so as to get it into or out of a specific location or position to get up from sitting, lying, or kneeling rise to take its origin or rise begin start arise to move or proceed, especially to or from something the ascending axis of a plant, whether above or below ground, which ordinarily grows in an opposite direction to the root or descending axis
Exampleजम्मना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(जम्मना) jammana can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Verb in hindi originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : jammanaa

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