Meaning of (जर्फ) jarpha in english
As noun : utensil Ex:  Cover a metal utensil of a molten tin layer, to prevent it from oxidizing
pot Ex:  A glazed clay pot pottery Ex:  Nubian pottery in this period is also notable. vessel Ex:  Submarines have one of the largest ranges in capabilities of any vessel pail container Ex:  The Chennai port is India's second busiest container hub chalice Ex:  Botanical It is said of a chalice made of a single piece basin Ex:  The area of its basin is 1,390,000 km² tidy Ex:  This woman is a prude ambiguous and tidy skill Ex:  This unique skill requirement distinguishes StarCraft from many other competency ability Ex:  These cells have the ability to migrate long distances competence Ex:  Adjust the competence qualification Ex:  MOTHER is also the qualification to be given to certain Religious capability Ex:  As human beings do not have interstellar travel capability trial Ex:  Haywood's trial began on May 9 accomplishment vocation Ex:  Reply, resist her vocation faculty Ex:  The faculty expanded as well merit Ex:  Spoof merit badges are created and sold by various third-parties. gift Ex:  Maradona gave a gift of love to the people of Iran: el Diez said character Ex:  A character in Crichton's novel also states that ". worthiness expediency fettle fitness Ex:  Physical fitness is highly regarded. sufficiency Ex:  It is full of sufficiency sense Ex:  In this differing sense of the two words eligibility Ex:  Army, or Coast Guard, provided they meet that service's eligibility standards. endurance Ex:  He had remarkable endurance and rarely appeared tired on court. patience Ex:  The boss is finally out of patience with me . tolerance Ex:  Religious tolerance was a well established concept on the Asian steppe. toleration stoicism Ex:  It is used substantively to designate one who practices the stoicism sobriety solemness gravity Ex:  The dominant force at cosmological distances is gravity earnestness staidness profoundness solemnity Ex:  The solemnity of a wedding profundity sedateness seriousness Ex:  It is said of a piece for music, for brevity and lightness of its themes, a contrast to the seriousness of the other parts of a symphony, a sonata, etc importance Ex:  Greenland had a strategic importance
Suggested : bucket a craft for traveling on water, now usually one larger than an ordinary rowboat a ship or boat ceramic ware, especially earthenware and stoneware a container of earthenware, metal, etc, usually round and deep and having a handle or handles and often a lid, used for cooking, serving, and other purposes any of the instruments or vessels commonly used in a kitchen, dairy, etc
Exampleजर्फ का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(जर्फ) jarpha
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from English language .
Transliteration :