Meaning of (जांघिया) janghiya in english

As verb : briefs Ex:  Bryant briefs Deckard on the replicants: Roy Batty
Other :
underdrawers boxers Ex:  Lee had knocked out 3 straight boxers in the first round. drawers Ex:  It is used as a feminine name, ellipse Cabinet to appoint a cabinet breast high, lined with drawers and particularly for clamping of linen and clothes boxershorts hose Ex:  The water squirted from the hose . shorts Ex:  MGM began distributing its own Our Gang shorts to television in 1956 panties Ex:  The panties available in market are mostly frenchie type.
Suggested : lasting or taking a short time of short duration having little length not long a flexible tube for conveying a liquid, as water, to a desired point a sliding, lidless, horizontal compartment, as in a piece of furniture, that may be drawn out in order to gain access to it
Exampleजांघिया का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of जांघिया:
1. गंजी व जांघिया पहने हुए, चेहरा ढके हुए और हाथों में डंडा व रॉड लिए अपराधियों ने सबसे पहले राजू ठाकुर के घर को अपना निशाना बनाया
(जांघिया) janghiya can be used as verb. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. Transliteration : jaa.nghiyaa

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