Meaning of (जिह्मगामी) jihmagamee in english

As noun : wily
arch Ex:  Architecture Each of vertical posts that support the birth an arch of an arcade; each of the jambs of a door, a window knavish cunning hypocrite (adj. hypocritical; adv. hypocritically dishonest Ex:  This action is a dishonest man sham swindler cheat slick pokey hibernation laggard torpid slowgoing unenergetic languorous slack cool Ex:  The Arctic's climate is characterized by cold winters and cool summers. poky steady Ex:  Russia's agriculture demonstrated steady growth light Ex:  The photons which make up visible light have energies of 270–520 yJ weak Ex:  This makes the "both defect" case a weak equilibrium dead Ex:  To this list can be added the dead in the Underworld. piano Ex:  these piano pieces were published posthumously faint Ex:  I am ready to faint
As verb : crooked dull Ex:  They also say bother, experience a dull and overwhelming boredom , find the time long slow Ex:  Further evolution was slow slow Ex:  Further evolution was slow gentle Ex:  It means figuratively Nobody piety extraordinary, a great virtue, extremely gentle dim
As adjective : dodgy tortuous devious sly tricksy tricky foxy wily deceitful treacherous disingenuous guileful knavish crafty lethargic sluggish careless lazy Ex:  The past participle ASLEEP, IE, is often used as an adjective and means who lack liveliness, which is slow, lazy tardy soft Ex:  Most pure metals are either too soft low Ex:  Further evolution was slow
Suggested : full of twists, turns, or bends twisting, winding, or crooked like or befitting a knave untrustworthy dishonest Architecture
a curved masonry construction for spanning an opening, consisting of a number of wedgelike stones, bricks, or the like, set with the narrower side toward the opening in such a way that forces on the arch are transmitted as vertical or oblique stresses on either side of the opening inclined to dodge not straight bending curved
Exampleजिह्मगामी का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(जिह्मगामी) jihmagamee can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : jihmagaamii

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