Meaning of (जेन्य) jenya in english

As noun : aristocrat Ex:  adjectively, This man is strong aristocrat
nobleman Ex:  Do you believe in a stable? Do you be in a place where one does not have to behave decently? It also meant Train crew that included squires, pages, carriages, horses, mules of a prince, a nobleman well mannered aristocratic Ex:  Haydn eventually was able to obtain aristocratic patronage aristocratical well born patrician Ex:  This beautiful and proud patrician well bred blue blooded blue blood thoroughbred high born blue Ex:  This includes the blue stars in other galaxies real Ex:  He is in a real mess. original Ex:  The original Nahuatl manuscript is known as the Florentine Codex. pucka solid Ex:  The core may include solid and liquid regions your actual pukka pure Ex:  Dharma is not just law, or harmony, it is pure Reality. honest to goodness plausible Ex:  It appears plausible that in most exoplanetary systems faithful Ex:  These shows are explicitly intended for the faithful earnest frank Ex:  Rochester's poetry is almost always sexually frank and is frequently political. for real Ex:  It also tells of Certitude is gained of something that had already been given for real upstanding single Ex:  In Old English, most infinitives were single words ending in -an close Ex:  Many government departments are located close to Parliament truthful Ex:  FALSE is also used as the name for most various meanings above and said This is not true, which is not truthful champion Ex:  USPK karate champion and co-star in Enter the Dragon victor Ex:  Courier emerged the victor in a five set final. master Ex:  Asimov is widely considered a master of the science-fiction genre and vanquisher winner Ex:  The winner of each quarter-final goes on to the semi-finals
As verb : gentle Ex:  It said, in terms of theology, of pacifying and gentle Action grace exact Ex:  The exact significance of such etymologies as these is unclear.
As adjective : titled Ex:  Ashoka was titled as"Ashoka the great" well connected Ex:  Rotterdam is well connected to the Dutch railroad system wellborn noble Ex:  Born absolutely say a person who a noble extraction of noble origins genuine Ex:  Pathos is projected onto genuine works of art authentic Ex:  Wilder also made use of authentic locales. rightful Ex:  ROGNER also means, figuratively and familiarly, remove, delete someone a part of what belongs to him, this rightful lawful Ex:  In terms of jurisprudence, body separation between husband and wife, judgment or judgment in which it is lawful for a man not to live with his wife, and a woman no longer live with her husband true Ex:  Jane's wishes had come true . sincere Ex:  Bombing represented a sincere true Ex:  Jane's wishes had come true . righteous Ex:  Discontented and morally righteous loyal Ex:  Although he tried to remain loyal to the Catholic Church unfeigned ingenuous Ex:  She said this in a way quite ingenuous straightforward Ex:  It is straightforward and seemed like the first true blue transparent Ex:  The earth's atmosphere is partly transparent to visible light victorious Ex:  The Allies were victorious
As adverb : aboveboard
Suggested : born of a good, noble , or highly esteemed family of or pertaining to government by an aristocracy of or pertaining to government by an aristocracy a member of an aristocracy , especially a noble the distinguishing name of a book, poem, picture, piece of music, or the like
Exampleजेन्य का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(जेन्य) jenya can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : jenya

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