Meaning of (जेली) jeli in english

As noun : pitchfork उ:   ये जेली जैसी एक वस्तु द्वारा घिरी होती हैं।
jelly Ex:  Cooking jelly species that is commonly with milk, almonds, sugar and fish glue उ:   जेली मछली सीलेन्टरेटा समुदाय का प्राणी है।
Other : rake Ex:  A wooden teeth rake उ:   इसी प्रकार जेली बनती है।
Suggested : a food preparation of a soft, elastic consistency due to the presence of gelatin, pectin, etc, especially fruit juice boiled down with sugar and used as a sweet spread for bread and toast, as a filling for cakes or doughnuts, etc an agricultural implement with teeth or tines for gathering cut grass, hay, or the like or for smoothing the surface of the ground a large, long-handled fork for manually lifting and pitching hay, stalks of grain, etc
Exampleजेली का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(जेली) jeli can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Hindi and/or English language . Transliteration : jelii

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