Meaning of (जोशिश) joshisha in english
As noun : enthusiasm Ex: His comments were greeted with enthusiasm by the crowd
zest spirits Ex: There, Kane's father operated a shop as a spirits and wine merchant. zeal Ex: It also means, speaking of People , Who gives external signs of affection, kindness, interest, zeal vitality heart Ex: "The heart of the King is in the hand of the Lord spirit Ex: After defining the spirit of capitalism ardour ardor Ex: He also said, absolutely and in a particular way, the enjoyment of certain pleasures, certain things that we sought with ardor go Ex: Snuggle down and go to sleep. relish zestfulness vivacity Ex: This child has great vivacity gusto bounce energy Ex: Conferences are being held by the government to find alternative energy sources verve Ex: This musician, painter lacks verve zeal Ex: It also means, speaking of People , Who gives external signs of affection, kindness, interest, zeal vigour fervor Ex: The Renaissance and Reformation eras witnessed a resurgence in religious fervor spark oomph zip dash warmth Ex: This actor has no heat, lacks warmth smartness ardour alacrity fervour mercury Ex: In terms of chemistry, Reviving mercury The challenge its natural state, making it to its metallic form sensation Ex: Medicine Who does feel a cold sensation elan vigor Ex: The theory of hybrid vigor suggests that as a group briskness vim sparkle Ex: Who sparkle fighting spirit zing charge Ex: First charge implies the priority in repayment of loan . twinkle blood Ex: In a person with very high blood glucose levels ebullience fire Ex: Friendly fire brought down several U.S. planes on top of that bang dynamism
As adjective : upbeat
Suggested : exuberant physical strength or mental vigor an unaccented beat , especially immediately preceding a downbeat the principle of conscious life the vital principle in humans, animating the body or mediating between body and soul keen relish hearty enjoyment gusto absorbing or controlling possession of the mind by any interest or pursuit lively interest
Word of the day
(जोशिश) joshisha
can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Persian language .
Transliteration :