Meaning of jhakora in english
Interpreting jhakora - झकोरा
As noun : puff Ex:  It is, by extension, the dresses that were made puff these circles उ: ;फागुन पवन झकोरा बहा।
Other : large wave Ex:  The first large wave of modern immigration blow Ex:  Drink a blow shaking (as of a tree by wind blast (of wind heavy shower blast Ex:  blast errors, defects, etc whiff impulse Ex:  It says yet a passionate movement, an impulse that makes us somehow out of ourselves squall impact Ex:  Prominent impact basins on the near side include Imbrium
Suggested : a sudden, violent gust of wind, often accompanied by rain, snow, or sleet the influence of a particular feeling, mental state, etc a sudden and violent gust of wind a sudden, strong blast of wind a short, quick blast, as of wind or breath
Exampleझकोरा का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of jhakora Antonyms of jhakora
Word of the day
Related words :
Other : झकोरना - to shake झकोरा करनेवाला - oscillatory
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :