Meaning of jhanjhari in english
Interpreting jhanjhari - झंझरी
Other : espalier Ex: Abricotier espalier
grate gratings lattice mesh Ex: He said again, in terms of Hosiery, Brin threw on a forward needle take the mesh knitting, making a mesh over the next row grating
Suggested : a fixed frame of bars or the like covering an opening to exclude persons, animals, coarse material, or objects while admitting light, air, or fine material any knit, woven, or knotted fabric of open texture a structure of crossed wooden or metal strips usually arranged to form a diagonal pattern of open spaces between the strips a frame of metal bars for holding fuel when burning, as in a fireplace, furnace, or stove
Exampleझंझरी का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of jhanjhari Antonyms of jhanjhari
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Usage of झंझरी:
1. जौनपुर शहर कोतवाली क्षेत्र के सिपाह मोहल्ला में झंझरी मस्जिद के पास हत्या कर युवक का फेंका गयाlivehindustan.com2. जौनपुर शहर कोतवाली क्षेत्र के सिपाह मोहल्ला में झंझरी मस्जिद के पास हत्या कर युवक का फेंका गयाlivehindustan.comRelated words :
and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :