Meaning of jhelana in english
Interpreting jhelana - झेलना
As noun : run the gauntlet उ: इस प्रकार की गयी प्रार्थना से साधक को कभी पुत्र शोक नही झेलना पड़ता।
As verb :
undergo Ex:  Very massive stars can also undergo a series of decreasing evolutionary phases उ: इस दवाई से बच्चों को अब इंजेक्शन के दर्द को नहीं झेलना पड़ेगा।
Other : to tolerate Ex:  She is the only babysitter able to tolerate Calvin's antics उ: मई-जून में गर्मी का प्रकोप हर वर्ग को झेलना पड़ता है। to endure Ex:  It also tells of Illusions that help us to endure a painful position उ: महिलाओं को स्वास्थ्य संबंधी समस्याओं को नहीं झेलना पड़ेगा। to experience Ex:  NAFTA allowed Mexico to experience a similar duty-free trade. उ: इससे याकुजा को अपनी संपत्ति का भारी नुकसान झेलना पड़ता हैं। to digest (as informationan experience to bear Ex:  figuratively, he also said the worries, sorrows, pains one has to bear to undergo Ex:  But to undergo a detailed study on each to receive Ex:  2 January 1986 to receive weapons system upgrades for her modernization. to suffer Ex:  But these standards continued to suffer from incompatibilities and limitations. taste Ex:  Poor taste is usually seen as a product of ignorance. sustain Ex:  The patient begins to sustain
Suggested : to support, hold, or bear up from below bear the weight of, as a structure to try or test the flavor or quality of (something) by taking some into the mouth a former punishment, chiefly military, in which the offender was made to run between two rows of men who struck at him with switches or weapons as he passed to be subjected to experience pass through
Exampleझेलना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
Usage of झेलना:
1. इस्लाम का उड़ाया मजाक तो ओलंपिक मेडलिस्ट को झेलना पड़ा दो साल का BANlivehindustan.com2. इस भारतीय तेज गेंदबाज को झेलना पड़ा था आर्मी, पुलिस से रिजेक्शनlivehindustan.com3. इस भारतीय तेज गेंदबाज को झेलना पड़ा था आर्मी, पुलिस से रिजेक्शन
can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi .
Transliteration :