Meaning of jhund banakar ghoomana,jhund banakar ghumana in english

Interpreting jhund banakar ghoomana,jhund banakar ghumana - झुण्ड बनाकर घूमना
As noun :
Suggested : a body of honeybees that emigrate from a hive and fly off together, accompanied by a queen, to start a new colony
Exampleझुण्ड बनाकर घूमना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of jhund banakar ghoomana,jhund banakar ghumana

Word of the day
jhund banakar ghoomana,jhund banakar ghumana can be used as noun.. No of characters: 17 including consonants matras. Transliteration : jhuNDa banaakara ghuumanaa

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