Meaning of (झँफान) jhnphana in english
As noun : completed Ex:  Michelangelo never finished it, so his pupils later completed it.
dead Ex:  "; but since she is already dead over Ex:  The kids were fighting over a non-issue. snuff out burst Ex:  These people sleep in a concentrated burst at night fall Ex:  In the years preceding the fall of the Qing Dynasty fall victim tumble down
As verb : off Ex:  The workers called off their strike. up Ex:  The lights short-circuited when I joined up the wires. complete Ex:  This is the expected number of complete years lived . accomplished Ex:  Wade has become one of the more accomplished young players in the NBA today. degrade Ex:  The stones are split, degrade when they are crumbled kill off go up Ex:  In most channels, the boats go up and down through locks and locks
As adjective : finished Ex:  I finished putting gas in .
Suggested : ended or completed above in place or position no longer living deprived of life having all parts or elements lacking nothing whole entire full so as to be no longer supported or attached
Word of the day
(झँफान) jhnphana
can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender .
Transliteration :