Meaning of (झकजक) jhakajaka in english
As noun : passage Ex:  Since passage of the new law
cackle yack jabbering Ex:  This man is just jabbering gab chatter Ex:  , Fold the chatter of someone, anyone, to silence the nonsense Ex:  It said, it simply nonsense yap yakety yak jabber
Suggested : to talk rapidly in a foolish or purposeless way jabber to talk or chat idly chatter to talk or utter rapidly, indistinctly, incoherently, or nonsensically chatter to utter a shrill, broken sound or cry, as of a hen a portion or section of a written work a paragraph, verse, etc
Word of the day
(झकजक) jhakajaka
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender .
Transliteration :