Meaning of (झकोरा) jhakora in english

As noun : puff Ex:  It is, by extension, the dresses that were made puff these circles उ:   ;फागुन पवन झकोरा बहा।
Other : large wave Ex:  The first large wave of modern immigration blow Ex:  Drink a blow shaking (as of a tree by wind blast (of wind heavy shower blast Ex:  blast errors, defects, etc whiff impulse Ex:  It says yet a passionate movement, an impulse that makes us somehow out of ourselves squall impact Ex:  Prominent impact basins on the near side include Imbrium
Suggested : a sudden, violent gust of wind, often accompanied by rain, snow, or sleet the influence of a particular feeling, mental state, etc a sudden and violent gust of wind a sudden, strong blast of wind a short, quick blast, as of wind or breath
Exampleझकोरा का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(झकोरा) jhakora can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. Transliteration : jhakoraa

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