Meaning of (झगडालू) jhagadaloo,jhagadalu in english
As adjective : pugnacious Ex:  be d mood pugnacious
Other :
rowdy stickler Ex:  She is a stickler outraged quarrelsome Ex:  It is a perpetual quarrelsome fremescent cantankerous Ex:  It is a cantankerous spirit mutinous Ex:  The clamor of a mutinous mob struggler wrangler contentious Ex:  That newscaster is too contentious . litigious Ex:  It also said the court, the court who knew all litigious on marine and navigation
Suggested : tending to argument or strife quarrelsome a cowboy, especially one in charge of saddle horses disposed to, engaged in, or involving revolt against authority a person who insists on something unyieldingly (usually followed by for ) a rough, disorderly person
Exampleझगडालू का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(झगडालू) jhagadaloo,jhagadalu
can be used as adjective. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :