Meaning of (झिडकना) jhidakana in english

Other : reprehend
upbraid frown upon expostulate chide revile rattle reproach Ex:  It has some thing about consciousness, He certainly to reproach rebuke Ex:  This phrase is also used figuratively and signifies Making very sharp rebuke to someone Who Medicine rail Ex:  Calgary's rail system bully check Ex:  Don't take a check from that guy .
Suggested : to give out or cause a rapid succession of short, sharp sounds, as in consequence of agitation and repeated concussions to assail with contemptuous or opprobrious language address or speak of abusively to express disapproval of scold reproach to contract the brow, as in displeasure or deep thought scowl to find fault with or reproach severely censure
Exampleझिडकना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(झिडकना) jhidakana and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. Transliteration : jhiDakanaa

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