Meaning of (झोँट) jhoँta in english
As noun : bar Ex: Smoking is permitted in bars but only if the bar serves no food
guise veil Ex: She lowered her veil cloak Ex: If wrapped in his cloak in her host Ex: This was followed by guest appearances in a host of television series mass Ex: In the mass market, however, the Starter Edition has not had much success. army Ex: The enemy soldiers caught our army napping . team Ex: Our team lost out to the other team . crew Ex: Hornet was given up for lost, and the crew abandoned ship. network Ex: MTV Argentina, Cosmopolitan TV, and the news network Todo Noticias. lot Ex: I know a lot of people are waiting to see me . body Ex: Strauss continued to produce a highly varied body of operatic works battery Ex: Napoleon would also assign at least one battery to each infantry corps or group Ex: It also represents "the social group following moral culture Ex: Barbadian culture is syncretic crop Ex: The crop milk is gradually augmented by seeds and adult foods. pack Ex: This behavior is typical of pack feeding in the wild bunch school Ex: Now a days many school bags are showerproof. swarm set Ex: This single set of chromosomes is duplicated in the egg pile collective Ex: The collective survived for about two years and was not successful. collection Ex: The Met's collection of photographs nest Ex: Action to nest or result of this action number Ex: The number ofvalence electrons determines the bondingbehavior with other atoms. table Ex: You found it on the table . knot jury Ex: After a second jury acquitted Pettibone manoeuvre gait speed Ex: She has been clocked at a peak speed of 212 wpm. stratagem ruse gambit tenement carriage artifice Ex: This speech, this style is too combed, it's too Care out, we feel there too artifice trick deceit gimmick calculation Ex: All this calculation is based on improbabilities wheeze tread walk Ex: She had been attempting to walk to the bathroom trap Ex: He fell into the trap game Ex: In his first World Series game for the Red Sox in 1916 ploy Ex: Seek ploy play Ex: I'm trying out for a play . card Ex: Many widely-played card games have no official regulating body. tenement house move Ex: The mining skills could also be used to move troops unseen. heat Ex: Specific heat is a property
Suggested : a person who receives or entertains guests at home or elsewhere a loose outer garment, as a cape or coat a piece of opaque or transparent material worn over the face for concealment, for protection from the elements, or to enhance the appearance general external appearance aspect semblance a relatively long, evenly shaped piece of some solid substance, as metal or wood, used as a guard or obstruction or for some mechanical purpose
Exampleझोँट का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(झोँट) jhoँta
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit and/or Hindi language .
Transliteration :