Meaning of kalee ka baharee avaran,kali ka bahari avaran in english

Interpreting kalee ka baharee avaran,kali ka bahari avaran - कली का बाहरी आवरण
As noun :
calyx Ex:  In terms of Botany, it means the base of the calyx of a flower, the middle of which is attached ovarian
Suggested : Botany the outermost group of floral parts the sepals
Exampleकली का बाहरी आवरण का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of kalee ka baharee avaran,kali ka bahari avaran

Word of the day
kalee ka baharee avaran,kali ka bahari avaran can be used as noun.. No of characters: 17 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : kalii kaa baaharii aavaraNa

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