Meaning of kanth shalook sanbandhee,kanth shaluk sanbandhee,kanth shalook sanbandhi in english

Interpreting kanth shalook sanbandhee,kanth shaluk sanbandhee,kanth shalook sanbandhi - कंठ शालूक संबंधी
As noun :
adenoidal Ex:  He has a very adenoidal voice.
Suggested : of or pertaining to the adenoids adenoid
Exampleकंठ शालूक संबंधी का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of kanth shalook sanbandhee,kanth shaluk sanbandhee,kanth shalook sanbandhi

Word of the day
kanth shalook sanbandhee,kanth shaluk sanbandhee,kanth shalook sanbandhi can be used as noun.. No of characters: 16 including consonants matras. Transliteration : ka.nTha shaaluuka

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