Meaning of kapada in english

Interpreting kapada - कपडा़
As noun : apparel Ex:  Batman keeps most of his field equipment in a signature piece of apparel उ:   यह कपड़ा देश व विदेश में प्रसिद्ध है।
wearing apparel उ:   करघे से कपड़ा बुना जाता है। thread Ex:  The top thicker strings are further wrapped in a thin silk thread उ:   विश्व के लगभग हर भाग में भारत से कपड़ा जाता था। dress Ex:  The ribbons on the dress were in beautiful colours. उ:   वे बड़े व्यापारियों से कपड़ा खरीदते थे। thing Ex:  Kelly has a thing about Tim . उ:   वे पूर्व मे कपड़ा मंत्री थे। fabric Ex:  Roman Vishniac posed as a traveling fabric salesman उ:   रोएँ झड़नेवाला कपड़ा भी अच्छा नहीं होता। material Ex:  High-strength alloyed steel is still the main material for submarines today उ:   शहर के हीरा और कपड़ा बाजार बंद रहे। fabric Ex:  Various parts of the plant have been used to make fabric cloth Ex:  She has bought a specially fabricated cloth for winter.
Other : cloth Ex:  The cloth of my trousers is very glace. उ:   यही स्थिति उन दिनों अधिकांश कपड़ा मिलों में थी। garment Ex:  This garment is wearable. उ:   कपड़ा बनाने का व्यवसाय उन्नभी निर्यात होता था। textile Ex:  Hari is a textile designer. उ:   बरा महिलाओं का एक किस्म का कपड़ा भी है। clothing Ex:  fashionable clothing उ:   कपडा बेगम के सामने ही हटाना। clothes Ex:  your clothes are droolworhy. उ:   उनके पिता मिल में कपडा रंगने का काम करते थे। garment Ex:  The main economic driving force in Saipan is garment manufacturing उ:   कपडा व्यवसाय के लिए प्रसिद्द पाली से तैयार कपडा पुरे देश में जाता है। garb Ex:  Part of the monastic garb that covers the head and falls on the chest and shoulders apparel Ex:  GO further serves to mark the Way in which something is made, is made, is prepared, how it befits someone, and then it says This looks especially apparel stuff Ex:  Don't get that stuff all over . cloth Ex:  This cloth is made from nylon. toggery vestment texture Ex:  Since tofu skin has a soft yet rubbery texture to suit Ex:  The artwork for each station is designed to suit the station's identity. fabric Ex:  Tehran's old city fabric changed dramatically during the Pahlavi era. textile Ex:  In the textile industry
Suggested : a fabric formed by weaving, felting, etc, from wool, hair, silk, flax, cotton, or other fiber, used for garments, upholstery, and many other items a cloth made by weaving, knitting, or felting fibers
Exampleकपडा़ का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of kapada Antonyms of kapada

Word of the day
kapada can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. Transliteration : kapaDaa

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