Meaning of kapada in english
Interpreting kapada - कपडा़
As noun : apparel Ex: Batman keeps most of his field equipment in a signature piece of apparel उ: यह कपड़ा देश व विदेश में प्रसिद्ध है।
wearing apparel उ: करघे से कपड़ा बुना जाता है। thread Ex: The top thicker strings are further wrapped in a thin silk thread उ: विश्व के लगभग हर भाग में भारत से कपड़ा जाता था। dress Ex: The ribbons on the dress were in beautiful colours. उ: वे बड़े व्यापारियों से कपड़ा खरीदते थे। thing Ex: Kelly has a thing about Tim . उ: वे पूर्व मे कपड़ा मंत्री थे। fabric Ex: Roman Vishniac posed as a traveling fabric salesman उ: रोएँ झड़नेवाला कपड़ा भी अच्छा नहीं होता। material Ex: High-strength alloyed steel is still the main material for submarines today उ: शहर के हीरा और कपड़ा बाजार बंद रहे। fabric Ex: Various parts of the plant have been used to make fabric cloth Ex: She has bought a specially fabricated cloth for winter.
Other : cloth Ex: The cloth of my trousers is very glace. उ: यही स्थिति उन दिनों अधिकांश कपड़ा मिलों में थी। garment Ex: This garment is wearable. उ: कपड़ा बनाने का व्यवसाय उन्नभी निर्यात होता था। textile Ex: Hari is a textile designer. उ: बरा महिलाओं का एक किस्म का कपड़ा भी है। clothing Ex: fashionable clothing उ: कपडा बेगम के सामने ही हटाना। clothes Ex: your clothes are droolworhy. उ: उनके पिता मिल में कपडा रंगने का काम करते थे। garment Ex: The main economic driving force in Saipan is garment manufacturing उ: कपडा व्यवसाय के लिए प्रसिद्द पाली से तैयार कपडा पुरे देश में जाता है। garb Ex: Part of the monastic garb that covers the head and falls on the chest and shoulders apparel Ex: GO further serves to mark the Way in which something is made, is made, is prepared, how it befits someone, and then it says This looks especially apparel stuff Ex: Don't get that stuff all over . cloth Ex: This cloth is made from nylon. toggery vestment texture Ex: Since tofu skin has a soft yet rubbery texture to suit Ex: The artwork for each station is designed to suit the station's identity. fabric Ex: Tehran's old city fabric changed dramatically during the Pahlavi era. textile Ex: In the textile industry
Suggested : a fabric formed by weaving, felting, etc, from wool, hair, silk, flax, cotton, or other fiber, used for garments, upholstery, and many other items a cloth made by weaving, knitting, or felting fibers
Exampleकपडा़ का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of kapada Antonyms of kapada
Word of the day
Related words :
As verb : कपड़ा पहना हुआ - attired
Other : कपडछन, कपडछान - कपड़ कीड़ा - कपड़ कोट - कपड़ खसोट - कपड़ गंध - कपड़ छन - कपड़ छान - कपड़ मिट्टी - कपड़ विदार - कपड़ा धुलाई - laundering कपड़ा पहनना - dress
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :