Meaning of kapati in english
Interpreting kapati - कपटी
As noun : hypocrite (adj. hypocritical; adv. hypocritically उ: कपटी मारीच राम जी को बहुत दूर ले गया।
dishonest Ex:  It is also dishonest to try to see cards as they are dealt उ: ओफिडीओफोबिअ कपटी हो सकता है। sham swindler cheat slick cunning Ex:  He said, figuratively and familiarly, the Little cunning artifices by which a person seeks to deceive
As adjective : wily उ: उसे रोकने के लिए, बेन कपटी और कठोर व्यवहार करता है। deceitful Ex:  It also designates one deceitful in any way whatsoever treacherous Ex:  Evening Freshness is treacherous this season in disingenuous Ex:  Some fans considered this disingenuous foxy guileful tricky sly Ex:  He said this in a tone, a sly knavish dodgy crafty Ex:  It is very crafty
Other : designing Ex:  While designing the look of Fritz the Cat malicious Ex:  Even without malicious programming insincere Ex:  , filled peace, peace insincere as is false medal stuffed dissembling dissembler unfaithful Ex:  being unfaithful to his friend unfair Ex:  It was unfair to me, to me
Suggested : foxlike cunning or crafty slyly clever characterized by faithlessness or readiness to betray trust traitorous something that is not what it purports to be a spurious imitation fraud or hoax given to deceiving not honest disposed to lie, cheat, or steal not worthy of trust or belief
Word of the day
Usage of कपटी:
1. ट्रंप की लोकप्रियता से हैरान रोमने, ट्रंप को बताया पाखंडी, कपटी ibnlive.comRelated words :As noun : कपटी विक्रेता - mountebank कपटी व्यक्ति - fox
Other : कपटी क्रेता - fraudulent purchaser कपटी मनुष्य - shifter
can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Sanskrit and/or Hindi language .
Transliteration :