Meaning of karara in english
Interpreting karara - करारा
As noun : crisp उ: उनके अफसानों में करारा व्यंग्य मौजूद है।
As adjective :
crispy Ex:  the chips are crispy
Other : stout Ex:  Because the guinea pig has a stout firm Ex:  They placed me with a firm that makes doghouses . well-baked (as bread high-priced of full weight (coin sound (a beating strong Ex:  Perfect Dark received strong reviews from magazines and websites alike. sturdy Ex:  It had sturdy hind limbs heavy (as price harsh (as a rebuff decisive (a defeat hard Ex:  She did it the hard way . strong sturdy forceful Ex:  a forceful speaker precipice Ex:  By analogy, Road cornice, or elliptically Corniche, Mountain Road overlooking a precipice
Suggested : strongly built stalwart robust having, showing, or able to exert great bodily or muscular power physically vigorous or robust not soft or yielding when pressed comparatively solid, hard, stiff, or rigid bulky in figure heavily built corpulent thickset fat (especially of food) hard but easily breakable brittle
Word of the day
Usage of करारा:
1. प्रदेश के राज्यपाल रामनाईक ने कहा कि नोटबंदी से कालेधन पर करारा वार हुआ हैlivehindustan.com2. नोटबंदी से कालेधन और नकली नोटों पर करारा वारः रामनाईकlivehindustan.com3. राजद प्रमुख लालू प्रसाद ने नोटबंदी को लेकर शुक्रवार को फिर प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी पर करारा प्रहार किया हैlivehindustan.comRelated words :Other : करार का भंग - breach of agreement करार किया गया रुकने का स्थान - agreed stopping place करार की गई अवधि - agreed period करार की मूलभूत - essential to the agreement करार के अध्याधीन - subject to agreement करार के अभाव में - default of agreement करार के प्रविषय के बाहर - beyond the scope of the agreement करार के लिये अत्यावश्यक - essential to the agreement करार को कार्यन्वित करना - implementing the agreement करार द्वारा किया गया परिनिर्धारण - arrived at by agreement, settlement करार नामा - agreement करार पाई गई कालावधि - agreed period करार पुनर्जीवित करना - reopen agreement करार प्रभावोन्मुख नहीं होगा - agreement shall not be discharged
can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender composed of more than one word originated from Sanskrit and/or Hindi language .
Transliteration :