Meaning of karkash in english
Interpreting karkash - कर्कश
As noun : harsh Ex:  Bradman found his initial Test a harsh learning experience. उ: टिनपिता कर्कश चरित्र यहां दिखाई देता है।
rough Ex:  BREAKING mean by hype Tiring, annoy, harass by too rough उ: इसकी आवाज बहुत कर्कश होती है। abrasive wild Ex:  In the 1950s when the woods were full of wild bee trees iron Ex:  Petroleum products, bauxite, and iron are major exports.
As verb : cracked Ex:  he cracked his knuckles restlessly
As adjective : strident उ: कर्कश रूप सख्त मना है। hard Ex:  He hammered it in with two hard blows . उ: इनकी कर्कश बोली आबादी के निकटवर्ती जलाशयों में सुनाई पड़ती रहती है। hoarse Ex:  Having voice hoarse उ: जंगल बैबलर की आवाज अधिक कर्कश तथा नासिका गुण वाली होती है। cacophonous brassy gravelly raucous gruff Ex:  Having the gruff mood, etc
Other : unfeeling sharp Ex:  The teeth were small but sharp quarrelsome Ex:  He is quite a quarrelsome person. harsh or violent person screechy Ex:  screechy voice, shrill voice, the sound of the ear hurts piercing Ex:  She let out a piercing scream and was quickly rushed to a hospital. violent Ex:  There was violent resistance to British settlement viraginian stern Ex:  Load Building, square stern , sailing and rowing, and now usually equipped with a motor
Suggested : made of or covered with brass not soft solid and firm to the touch unyielding to pressure and impenetrable or almost impenetrable making or having a harsh sound grating creaking having a coarse or uneven surface, as from projections, irregularities, or breaks not smooth ungentle and unpleasant in action or effect
Word of the day
Related words :
As noun : कर्कश आवाज निकालना - squawk कर्कश आवाज़ करते हुए जाना - screech कर्कश आवाज़ में बोलना - rasp कर्कश ध्वनि - discordance
As adverb : कर्कश आवाज़ से - huskily
Other : कर्कश (शब्द - argute कर्कश उच्चारण - oxyphonia कर्कश ध्वनि, अपस्वर - discordant sound कर्कश प्रकृति - extremeness कर्कश प्रभाव - jarring effect कर्कश व्यवहार - rough treatment कर्कश शब्द - tink
can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :