Meaning of kataran in english
Interpreting kataran - कतरन
As noun : trimming Ex: trimming of Arts is left of the currency that has made
cutting Ex: Some profile cutters use a cutting head reminiscent of a spindle router. snippet snip snipping shred Ex: Bad clothes, bad piece of cloth or some shred of a new fabric
Other : off-cut pieace clipping Ex: clipping a wall, a house with the barrel scrim parings swarf strip Ex: It became a daily comic strip with a title on October 28
Suggested : to cut with a small, quick stroke, or a succession of such strokes, with scissors or the like to cut with a small, quick stroke, or a succession of such strokes, with scissors or the like a small piece snipped off a small bit, scrap, or fragment the act of a person or thing that cuts anything used or serving to decorate or complete
Exampleकतरन का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of kataran Antonyms of kataran
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Usage of कतरन:
1. परतापुर में कतरन करके फेंक दिए लाखों के पुराने नोटlivehindustan.com2. परसाखेड़ा इंडस्ट्रियल एरिया में सड़क किनारे करोड़ों के नोटों की कतरन बरामद हुई हैlivehindustan.com3. जहाज की कतरन से बनेंगे फ्रिज और वॉशिंग मशीन LiveHindustanRelated words :As noun : कतरन रजिस्टर - scrapbook कतरना - crop
Other : कटरना - कतरन (काष्ठ - lopping कतरन कार्यालय - clipping bureau कतरन पत्रक - clip sheet कतरन फाइल - clipping file कतरन मिसिल - clipping file कतरन या छीलन - shavings कतरन रजिस्टर या संग्राह पुस्तिका - scrapbook कतरन रजिस्टरसंग्राह पुस्तिका - कतरन सेवा - clipping service कतरनछीलन - कतरना या काटना - snip
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Hindi language .
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