Meaning of kaushalapurn in english
Interpreting kaushalapurn - कौशलपूर्ण
As adjective : skillful Ex: ESCAPE FROM Stop means, by force or by flight, by violent or skillful movement of being where we were, where we were detained, escape from enemy hands उ: कौशलपूर्ण मानवीय कार्य को कला की संज्ञा दी जाती है।
skilled Ex: He was skilled with his hands skilful Ex: It was regarded as the most skilful captain of his century nifty
Suggested : attractively stylish or smart having skill trained or experienced in work that requires skill having or exercising skill
Exampleकौशलपूर्ण का हिन्दी मे अर्थAntonyms of kaushalapurn
Word of the day
can be used as adjective. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras.
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